Standard Exam

30 mins duration

Either Privately or optional upgrade for NHS funded patients (eligibility check)

Time, care and our expertise. For those who wish to have a thorough eye examination that covers all of the essentials of eye health and address all prescription requirements.

The fundamentals of your examination with us are explained in more detail in the “Core Elements of all our eye examinations” section above. Specifically, even our Standard Examination includes:


History & Symptoms

  • Gather all necessary background
  • Specific concerns / history / eye complications identified

Internal & external eye inspection

  • Central detailed DRS retinal images for accurate future comparison


  • Refraction using modern Phoropter system

Eye Neurology

  • Elements as required to investigate

Other investigations

  • IOP – using i Care or Pulsair tonometer


  • Discuss findings and their relevance
  • Decide on any further in-house investigations needed
  • Formulate management plan
  • Prescribe, investigate further or refer